libsvmTL |
Feature Vectors |
- sparse Feature Vector
- dense Feature Vector
- your own Feature vector class (it is just a template
- sparse storage Feature Vector
Kernels |
- linear
- radial basis function
- polynomial
- sigmoid
- your own Kernel class (it is just a template
- linear
- radial basis function
- polynomial
- sigmoid
- your own kernel by modifying svm.cpp
One-class SVM's / Regression |
- (not yet, work in progress) one-class SVM using a hyper
- (not yet, work in progress) one-class SVM using a hyper
- your own One-class SVM implementation (it is just a template
- epsilon-SVR
- nu-SVR
- probability estimates for SVR
- one-class SVM using a hyperplane
Two-class SVM's |
- nu-SVC
- (planned) Probability estimating SVM
- your own (guess what, yeah, it is just a template
- nu-SVC
- probability estimates for C-SVC and nu-SVC
Multi-class Algorithms |
- One vs. one
- One vs. rest
- your own (it is just a template parameter)
- One vs. one
- (One vs. rest implementation available in LIBSVM
Data storage (training/test data, models, results) |
- ASCII file (dense or sparse storage)
- NetCDF
- std::map based Container (keeps all data in memory)
- (planned) Interface to Matlab "Data Structures"
- your own (it is just a template parameter)
cross validation |
- optimized cross validation (uses chached kernel matrices, just
retrains Two-class SVM's, whose support vectors belong to left out
feature vectors)
- leave-one-out validation -- just use cross validation with
nfold = number of training vectors
grid search |
- integrated optimized grid search. (e.g., reuses cached kernel
matrix from previous grid point, if only non-kernel-parameters
- any parameter (e.g. tolerance of termination criterion, etc)
can be used as grid axis
- grid search via python script, which executes shell command
"svm-train" for each grid point
Full Kernel Matrix caching (for fast cross validation and grid
search) |
- integrated (via Kernel Wrapper)
- not directly available (you may use the "precomputed kernel
Matrices" extension provided in LIBSVM
Feature scaling |
- integrated (via Kernel Wrapper). sScale factors are stored in
the model and will be applied on-the-fly to test
- via external program "svm-scale". Scale factors are stored in
an extra file and must be manually applied to test
Some of the features of the Chih-Jen Lin's LIBSVM are not
integrated yet. These are: