
Advanced evaluation algorithms for standard and dual plane particle image velocimetry.

Olaf Ronneberger, M. Raffel, J. Kompenhans
9th international symposium on applications of laser techniques, 1998
Abstract: The widely-used evaluation algorithms1 for PIV recordings have some short comings, in that they introduce superfluous statistical and systematical errors. For example, they introduce the so-called "peak-locking" effect. These errors can be significantly reduced by using better algorithms. The following considerably improved analysis and algorithms will be described and demonstrated on real PIV recordings: Analysis of errors of CCD's and the electric transmission of the video signal. An FFT-based cross correlation algorithm using completely free-shaped and free-sized interrogation windows which exhibits the same accuracy as an optimally programmed direct correlation. A Gaussian fit algorithm using different weights forthe values in the correlation plane due to the error distribution of correlation coefficients.

Other associated files : 1998_Ronneberger_Dual_Plane_Particle_Image_Velocimetry.pdf [642KB]  

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BibTex reference

  author       = "O. Ronneberger and M. Raffel and J. Kompenhans",
  title        = "Advanced evaluation algorithms for standard and dual plane particle image velocimetry.",
  booktitle    = "9th international symposium on applications of laser techniques",
  year         = "1998",
  url          = "http://lmbweb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/Publications/1998/Ron98a"

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