
Iterated Nonlocal Means for Texture Restoration

Thomas Brox, D. Cremers
International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), Springer, LNCS, Vol.4485: 13-24, May 2007
Abstract: The recent nonlocal means filter is a very successful technique for denoising textured images. In this paper, we formulate a variational technique that leads to an adaptive version of this filter. In particular, in an iterative manner, the filtering result is employed to redefine the similarity of patches in the next iteration. We further introduce the idea to replace the neighborhood weighting by a sorting criterion. This addresses the parameter selection problem of the original nonlocal means filter and leads to favorable denoising results of textured images, particularly in case of large noise levels.

Other associated files : brox_ssvm07_denoising.pdf [1.8MB]  

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BibTex reference

  author       = "T. Brox and D. Cremers",
  title        = "Iterated Nonlocal Means for Texture Restoration",
  booktitle    = "International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM)",
  series       = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  volume       = "4485",
  pages        = "13-24",
  month        = "May",
  year         = "2007",
  publisher    = "Springer",
  url          = "http://lmbweb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/Publications/2007/Bro07j"

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