A fast and reliable coin recognition system
Pattern Recognition (Proc. DAGM), LNCS: 415--424, 2007
Abstract: This paper presents a reliable coin recognition system that is based on a registration approach. To optimally align two coins we search for a rotation in order to reach a maximal number of colinear gradient vectors. The gradient magnitude is completely neglected. After a quantization of the gradient directions the computation of the induced similarity measure can be done efficiently in the Fourier domain. The classification is realized with a simple nearest neighbor classification scheme followed by several rejection criteria to meet the demand of a low false positive rate.
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BibTex reference
@InProceedings{RB07, author = "M. Reisert and O. Ronneberger and H. Burkhardt", title = "A fast and reliable coin recognition system", booktitle = "Pattern Recognition (Proc. DAGM)", series = "LNCS", pages = "415--424", year = "2007", url = "http://lmbweb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/Publications/2007/RB07" }