
Combined region- and motion-based 3D tracking of rigid and articulated objects

Thomas Brox, B. Rosenhahn, J. Gall, D. Cremers
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(3): 402-415, Mar 2010
Abstract: In this paper, we propose the combined use of complementary concepts for 3D tracking: region fitting on one side, and dense optical flow as well as tracked SIFT features on the other. Both concepts are chosen such that they can compensate for the shortcomings of each other. While tracking by the object region can prevent the accumulation of errors, optical flow and SIFT can handle larger transformations. Whereas segmentation works best in case of homogeneous objects, optical flow computation and SIFT tracking rely on sufficiently structured objects. We show that a sensible combination yields a general tracking system that can be applied in a large variety of scenarios without the need to manually adjust weighting parameters.

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BibTex reference

  author       = "T. Brox and B. Rosenhahn and J. Gall and D. Cremers",
  title        = "Combined region- and motion-based 3D tracking of rigid and articulated objects",
  journal      = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence",
  number       = "3",
  volume       = "32",
  pages        = "402-415",
  month        = "Mar",
  year         = "2010",
  url          = "http://lmbweb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/Publications/2010/Bro10"

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