
A 3D digital atlas of the Nicotiana tabacum root tip and its use to investigate changes in the root apical meristem induced by the Agrobacterium 6b oncogene

T. Pasternak, T. Haser, Thorsten Falk, Olaf Ronneberger, K. Palme, L. Otten
The Plant Journal, 92(1): 31--42, Aug 2017
Abstract: Using the intrinsic Root Coordinate System (iRoCS) Toolbox, a digital atlas at cellular resolution has been constructed for Nicotiana tabacum roots. Mitotic cells and cells labeled for DNA replication with 5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine (EdU) were mapped. The results demonstrate that iRoCS analysis can be applied to thicker roots than those of Arabidopsis thaliana without histological sectioning. A three-dimensional (3-D) analysis of the root tip showed that tobacco roots undergo several irregular periclinal and tangential divisions. Irrespective of cell type, rapid cell elongation starts at the same distance from the quiescent center, however, boundaries between cell proliferation and transition domains are cell-type specific. The data support the existence of a transition domain in tobacco roots. Cell endoreduplication starts in the transition domain and continues into the elongation zone. The tobacco root map was subsequently used to analyze root organization changes caused by inducible expression of the Agrobacterium 6b oncogene. In tobacco roots expressing the 6b gene, the root apical meristem was shorter and radial cell growth was reduced, but the mitotic and DNA replication indexes were not affected. The epidermis of 6b-expressing roots produced less files and underwent abnormal periclinal divisions. The periclinal division leading to mature endodermis and cortex3 cell files was delayed. These findings define additional targets for future studies on the mode of action of the Agrobacterium 6b oncogene.
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BibTex reference

  author       = "T. Pasternak and T. Haser and T.Falk and O. Ronneberger and K. Palme and L. Otten",
  title        = "A 3D digital atlas of the Nicotiana tabacum root tip and its use to investigate changes in the root apical meristem induced by the Agrobacterium 6b oncogene",
  journal      = "The Plant Journal",
  number       = "1",
  volume       = "92",
  pages        = "31--42",
  month        = "Aug",
  year         = "2017",
  keywords     = "Nicotiana tabacum, root tip, iRoCS",
  url          = "http://lmbweb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/Publications/2017/FR17"

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