3D Human Pose Estimation in RGBD Images for Robotic Task Learning
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018
Abstract: We propose an approach to estimate 3D human pose in real world units from a single RGBD image and show that it exceeds performance of monocular 3D pose estimation approaches from color as well as pose estimation exclusively from depth. Our approach builds on robust human keypoint detectors for color images and incorporates depth for lifting into 3D. We combine the system with our learning from demonstration framework to instruct a service robot without the need of markers. Experiments in real world settings demonstrate that our approach enables a PR2 robot to imitate manipulation actions observed from a human teacher.

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BibTex reference
@InProceedings{ZB18, author = "C.Zimmermann and T.Welschehold and C.Dornhege and W.Burgard and T.Brox", title = "3D Human Pose Estimation in RGBD Images for Robotic Task Learning", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)", month = " ", year = "2018", url = "http://lmbweb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/Publications/2018/ZB18" }